Sunday, June 29, 2008

Of Virulent Men

In a recent interview with the Las Vegas Sun, John McCain was questioned about why he didn't ask Gov. Jim Gibbons to chair his Nevada campaign. McCain has no problem sharing his mind:

"McCain: I appreciate his support. As you know, the lieutenant governor is our chairman.

Q: Why snub the governor?

McCain: I didn't mean to snub him. I've known the lieutenant governor for 15 years and we've been good friends....I didn't intend to snub him. There are other states where the governor is not the chairman.

Q: Maybe it's the governor's approval rating and you are running from him like you are from the president?

McCain: (Chuckling) And I stopped beating my wife just a couple of weeks ago . . . "

There it is! See it? He's fucking clutch with that side-step. We've seen it a hundred times after serious questions are presented at his town hall meetings. This one, unfortunately, is different.

In October 2006, a woman accused Jim Gibbons of attempted sexual assault in a parking garage. Gibbons claimed he was helping her to her car. They both admitted to drinking alcohol at McCormick and Schmick's restaurant in Las Vegas.

McCain's attempts at humor seem to be as violently misogynistic as his outbursts of rage. I wouldn't be surprised if this asshole was quietly working a turn-around on our 19th Amendment.

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